Promoting Migration Governance

The development, implementation and monitoring of rights-based national migration policies and strategies require greater accountability and coordination of actors in countries of origin, transit and destination. In the North as in the South, the task is obviously complex, but the challenge remains the same: to promote a multi-actor approach and participatory governance, which will ensure a better balance between security, economic, social, environmental and human considerations.
The main motivating factors for migration from North Africa to Europe, as well as from West Africa to North Africa and from East Africa and Asia to the Middle East, continue to be socio-economic. Work is therefore a decisive vector for migrants and remains a determining element in all stages of migration, calling primarily on trade union organisations and their capacities to adapt and respond to these structural changes.
Trade union involvement in this area is therefore a strategic challenge for placing the migration agenda within national employment policies and making international workers' solidarity a powerful lever for influencing the policies implemented, promoting the agenda of fair recruitment and decent work for all, and guaranteeing the portability of social rights between countries of destination and origin.
In this sense, it is imperative to draw new resources from civil society actors and social partners involved in migration issues to achieve this.
The FES, through its historical relationship with the workers' movement around the world and the different offices of the Africa and MENA regions, is playing its role in nurturing an innovative experience linking trade unions in the country of origin and settlement to accompany and promote regular and fair migration.

Strategic partnerships

Strategic partnerships

While the mandate and immediate scope of action of trade unions are strongly linked to national borders, in the case of migration they are directly confronted with the effects of a phenomenon that is, by definition,... More

Assistance and protection of migrant workers

Assistance and protection of migrant workers

Strengthening the membership and affiliation of foreign workers remains a structural challenge for most of the employees' unions in the three regions, whose commitment to migration issues is mainly the responsibility of... More

Women & Migration

Women & Migration

Women migrants are doubly exposed, vulnerable in their condition as women and as migrants. More

Social Dialogue for a Fair and Equitable Migration

Social Dialogue for a Fair and Equitable Migration

The accessibility of legal channels is the best strategy to fight irregular migration. More


Testimonies of migrant women community organizers in Lebanon

Testimonies of migrant women community organizers in Lebanon

Beirut, 2023

Download publication (9,5 MB PDF-File)

Testimonies of migrant women workers from Senegal

Ndoye, Fambaye

Testimonies of migrant women workers from Senegal

Tunis, 2021

Download publication (1,3 MB PDF-File)

Trade union experiences for migrant workers' rights in Africa and Europe

Trade union experiences for migrant workers' rights in Africa and Europe

Trade unions & migration - crossed perspectives ; Collective publication
Tunis, 2021

Download publication (3,3 MB PDF-File)


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Sami Adouani

Project Director

(+216) 71 77 53 43
(+216) 98 36 70 14


Rami Walha

Finance Officer and Programme Assistant
(+216) 71 775 343


Mustapha Msalem

Logistics Coordinator
(+216) 71 775 343