FES MENA Youth Study

The Dispossessed Generation. Youth in the Middle East and North Africa

The FES MENA Youth Study conducted by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in the Middle East and North Africa in 2021/22 ties in with the content of the study conducted five years earlier. It provides new insights into the life chances, self-image and future prospects of 12,000 young people between the ages of 16 and 30 from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.

The ‘Arab Spring’ of 2010/11, which raised many hopes, was followed by setbacks: authoritarian backlash, economic downturn, accelerated climate change, the coronavirus pandemic and, finally, the war in Ukraine. The study examines the reality of life for adolescents and young adults in the context of multiple crises: Long-term processes such as impoverishment, precarisation and environmental degradation combine with short-term dynamics such as outbreaks of violence and pandemic risks. From the perspective of many young men and women, this results in them being deprived of equal and adequate life opportunities. Thus, the gap between ‘what is’ and ‘what could be’ continues to widen, and young people in the MENA region are becoming an ‘dispossessed generation’.

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung sees young people as a decisive factor for the democratic development of the region and would like to strengthen their potential to initiate changes in politics and society. On the basis of the results of the youth study, it wants to encourage a discussion of the situation of young people in the MENA region.

In-depth analyses of the survey results have been published analyses of the survey results have been published under the title ‘The Dispossessed Generation. Youth in the Middle East and North Africa’ in a collection of essays published by Jörg Gertel, David Kreuer and Friederike Stolleis. With contributions from: Mathias Albert, Lisa Maria Franke, Jörg Gertel, Katharina Grüneisl, David Kreuer, Carola Richter, Christoph H. Schwarz, Nadine Sika, Thorsten Spengler, Friederike Stolleis and Ann-Christin Zuntz. The book is available in German (Verlag J.H.W. Dietz) as well as in its translations to English (Saqi Books 2024) and Arabic (Dar al-Saqi 2024).

In addition, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung was able to recruit renowned scientists from the region to evaluate the country-specific data. These country analyses were taken up by the authors of the book and supplement the analysis of the empirical findings and the classification of the results in the regional context.

Key findings:


Youth in Jordan

Abu-Rumman, Mohammad; Alkhatib, Walid

Youth in Jordan

FES MENA youth study: Results analysis
Amman, 2023

Download publication (1,3 MB PDF-File)

Youth in Palestine

Khatib, Ghassan

Youth in Palestine

FES MENA youth study: Results analysis
Jerusalem, 2023

Download publication (1,4 MB PDF-File)

Youth in Sudan

El-Battahani, Atta

Youth in Sudan

FES MENA youth study: Results analysis
Khartoum, 2023

Download publication (760 KB, PDF-File)


10.06.2022 | Youth Study | Events

"Maghreb Youth in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia", a symposium organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in…


30.10.2021 | Youth Study | Events

A conference entitled "The Covid19 pandemic and youth" was attended by participants from the various FES youth programs in Tunisia.



| Youth Study | Press

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Dr. Friederike Stolleis

Project Director

+49 30 26935 7468
