
Tunisian youth, who have largely contributed to the revolution and who represent a quarter of the population, have been side-lined, and their voices are hardly heard, as they are considered politically immature. As one of the main objectives of FES Tunisia is the consolidation of the dialogue of the progressive forces in Tunisia and the reinforcement of the capacities and the critical spirit of the young activists adhering to the different youth organizations of the left-wing parties in a spirit of pluralism and respect of the progressive values, it has launched several complementary programmes for young people.
Generation A'Venir

Initiated in 2007, “Generation A'Venir” (GAV), the Tunisian Young Leaders Programme, aims to strengthen the capacities of 20 young people in communication, leadership, project management on the one hand, and allow them to discuss current issues with political representatives and experts in human rights, civil and political rights, social democracy, gender, and many others on the other hand.
Youth for Change

Launched in 2019, the Tunisian Youth for Change (Y4C) programme aspires to establish a democracy based on the active and responsible participation of young people, to accompany, step by step, a free and inclusive society. It aims to accompany them in their experiences with the democratic system in Tunisia. Thus, the goal is to contribute to the integration and materialization of the knowledge of young men and women in public affairs in national and regional policies.
École Politique

The idea of creating a “École politique” is based on the fundamental principles of social democracy, the programme aims to provide political training to twenty young Tunisians active in civil society and political parties, to revive and strengthen political awareness among young people committed and responsible, so that they can be able to play a role in the short and medium term and promote the emergence of a generation of politicians more educated, more aware and more experienced.
Tunisian Democracy Lab

Launched in 2021, the Tunisian Democracy Lab (TDL) is dedicated to developing innovative ideas for youth political participation and mobilization. The project aims to promote the role of the active citizen in political participation and policymaking. The Tunisian Democracy Lab concept combines innovation, activism, politics, and technology. It is a device to propel the political participation of young people based on a laboratory of innovation and digital mobilization. The TDL targets 15 participants of the FES youth programs: Y4C, GAV and Ecole politique.