
RJME - Réseau de Jeunes Engagé.es

“Réseau de Jeunes Engagé.es” (RJME) is a programme run by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Morocco that aims to strengthen the political participation of the younger generation. Launched in 2010, RJME provides a select number of young people with the desire to engage in the social and political life of their country with meeting and training opportunities that will allow them to broaden their horizons of thought and action, develop promising perspectives and set up projects of common interest. With this programme, FES aims to interest the next generation of young people in politics, and particularly to qualify a selected number of young people to take, in the long run, a position of actor in the socio-political life in Morocco to better respond to the challenges of Moroccan society.


Youth Participation

Youth Participation

Throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), young people make up a large part of the population, and yet they are often not involved in political decision-making processes. Young people who felt politically and economically marginalised and not taken seriously by those in power, played a significant role during the uprisings of 2010/11. More