Appel à contributions : L'économie féministe dans la région MENA

L'économie féministe est un domaine interdisciplinaire qui remet en question les théories économiques orthodoxes en intégrant une perspective de genre et en abordant le rôle des femmes et des relations de genre dans la vie économique. Cette approche met l'accent sur l'importance du travail non rémunéré, des soins, de l'inégalité entre les sexes et de la reproduction sociale, des domaines souvent négligés par l'économie traditionnelle. En soulignant ces aspects, l'économie féministe cherche à créer des politiques et des pratiques économiques plus inclusives et plus équitables.
Le projet régional sur les politiques économiques pour la justice sociale de la Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES MENA) a le plaisir de publier un appel à résumés visant à combler le manque de littérature dans le domaine de l'économie féministe et son interaction avec divers aspects.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter ce lien
Call for Applications 4th Generation

Summer school
International Financial Institutions and gender justice in the MENA region
Tunis, Tunisia: 17 – 21 July 2023
Context :
The MENA countries have seen an unprecedented engagement with the International Financial Institutions (IFIs), in quantity and in quality. During the last decade, the fiscal space for social protection and development needs has been reshaped by the IMF and the World Bank in most of the countries of the region, where we have seen:
- More public debts, both external and internal,
- More indirect taxation, and higher taxes on middle income families,
- More targeted social protection programs, mainly cash transfers,
- Less inclusive pension fund reforms,
- Less universal social benefits, subsidies and transfers,
- Less expenditure on public education,
- Universal health schemes are absent or struggling.
In a region where Social Protection spending is one of the lowest in the world, each of these above aspects has an impact either directly or indirectly on women. How to identify these impacts, how to protect women against vulnerability and informality caused by the restructuring of our economies by the IFIs? How to design more gender-aware alternative policies? This is what this summer school is trying to explore: We will take a deep look at the IFI-backed programs, mostly on the example of Tunisia. However, case studies or examples from other countries in the region, mainly Morocco, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon will supplement the discussion. The Summer School plans to engage on and explore answers to the following questions:
* What are the International Financial Institutions, their mandate and scope of action? How did this materialize in the region? How do these actors impact development choices? How do these choices impact women particularly? How to make sure that “social justice for all” is inclusive for women? How does the current growth paradigm affect women? How to advocate for change within the IFIs? What kind of alliances could be formed for this purpose?
* What is the significance of the Annual Meeting in Marrakech, how can it be used for progressive changes?
The summer school aims to expand the participants knowledge related to development alternatives and social protection, and incentivizes their research skills either via writing policy papers or designing campaigns (virtual or on the ground).
The five-day program is developed and animated by a group of regional and international activists and researchers, with expertise in gender and International Financial Institutions. The main language of communication is Arabic. Translation will be provided during the sessions facilitated by English-speaking trainers. The program mixes lectures to work groups, field visits and entertainment. Travel, accommodation and meals expenses are fully covered.
Eligibility Criteria:
- A holder of the nationalities of these countries: Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, or resident of theses countries.
- Perfect command of Arabic, both spoken and written.
- Works on one of these topics: Gender justice, IFIs, development, social and economic rights, political economy.
- Age preferably between 25 and 35.
To apply please send the following documents in Arabic or English to info.mena(at) before June 16, 2023:
- A motivation letter of maximum 600 words, explaining how this school will benefit you and including a pitch for your related research idea for a policy paper or a campaign (if possible).
- A resumé of two pages maximum.
We are hiring! FES is searching for a Program Manager for the Iraq Project

The Program Manager coordinates and monitors the activities of FES Amman in Iraq. In this, he/she works under the supervision of and in close coordination with the FES Iraq Director. The Program Manager serves as a resource person for FES’ partners in Iraq and works closely with them. The Program Manager surveys media coverage of current events in Iraq and supports the development of FES’ network. He/she is expected to travel to Iraq on a regular basis.
More information in this document
Interested? Then apply before the 18th of July!
Call for coordinator for French adptation of GLU online course

Great opportunity for a 12-month consultancy to help develop a French-language online course together with FES and the Global Labor University. Consult the document to learn more, and how to express your interest in the position
For more information, please click the attached document
Poste à pourvoir : Assistante(e) de projet FES MENA (Tunisie)
Contexte :
Le bureau régional de la Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, basé en Tunisie (Tunis – La Marsa) est à la recherche d’un(e) assistant(e) de projet pour ses activités, qui se focalise sur les politiques économiques et la justice sociale. La FES mène plusieurs activités avec ses partenaires : Soutenir les syndicats et le dialogue social, la société civile et les mouvements sociaux, et compte les poursuivre dans les années à venir.
Modalités d’envoi des candidatures :
Si votre profil professionnel et personnel correspond à nos besoins, merci d'envoyer votre candidature accompagnée de votre CV et d’une lettre de motivation à l’adresse
La date limite d'envoi des candidatures est fixée au 26 mai 2022.
N.B : Seul(e)s les candidat(e)s retenu(e)s seront contacté(e)s pour un éventuel entretien.
Pour plus d'information ,Veuillez consulter les termes de références
Thematic Gender Briefing: Climate and Energy MENA

Scope and Objective
The Regional Gender and Feminism Office at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung is looking for a consultant to develop a gender briefing for its work in the MENA region on “climate and energy”. The briefing intends to identify external and internal obstacles to the realisation of gender equality in the respective thematic area and to propose strategic steps for the integration of gender within the work of FES in the MENA region, therefore for contributing towards greater gender justice within this thematic area.
The gender briefing is an internal document addressed at FES offices in the MENA region. It will take stock of gender dimensions within the work of FES MENA national projects in the “climate and energy” thematic area. It will summarise the structures of gender inequality in the thematic area and thus deepen gender-specific knowledge. The document also aims to provide concrete guidance as to how FES national and regional projects can be planned and implemented in order to contribute to gender justice. The gender briefings should include an intersectional approach to establish links between gender and other social categories causing social inequalities and disadvantages (e.g., age, origin, education, ethnicity, sexual identity) as they have a reciprocal impact on each other.
The following three main objectives of a gender briefing specify the structure of the document:
- Summary of the thematic context, available data and information and the current debate on gender and gender justice within the “climate and energy” thematic area.
- "Translation" of the thematic discussion into project implementation in the MENA region: what approaches emerge from the discussion of the topic for FES projects? How can a project contribute to gender justice?
- Identification of potential partners and experts at global and regional level who can support the implementation of projects aimed at gender justice.
Skills and qualifications
A consultant will be contracted for the development of the gender briefing following the abovementioned structure. We are looking for consultants with the below qualifications to draft the briefing:
- Extensive knowledge and experience working on gender justice.
- Extensive experience working on climate and energy.
- Experience working within the context of the MENA region.
- Strong research background
- Previous experience with conducting similar consultancies for international organisations.
- Ability to read, speak and understand Arabic.
- Ability to understand written German is a plus.
Timeline for assignment: May – August 2022
Submission of first draft: August 1, 2022
Length: 12-15 pages
Language: English. The gender briefings will be translated by FES into French and Arabic.
Application process: candidates interested in applying for this ToR and wish to receive further details on the scope of the briefing and on the application process in response to this call may send an email to call.polfem(at) by no later than May 6, 2022
Media and Public Relations Manager
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), is the oldest political foundation in Germany with a rich tradition in social democracy dating back to its foundation in 1925. Our work focuses on the core ideas and values of social democracy, freedom, justice, and solidarity. With more than 100 offices worldwide, FES has built a vast network of international partners, contacts, and friends.
In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), FES has 11 offices and implements projects in 14 countries. Alongside the national projects, regional programmes work on central subjects with a regional dimension, such as trade unions, economic policy, climate and energy, peace and security and migration.
FES MENA is searching for an inspiring and dynamic team member to become the Media and Public Relations Manager for these regional programmes in MENA. The position is based in the FES office in Tunis ( Candidates should be available as soon as possible.
- Maintain close contact with team members of FES regional programmes across the region (Amman, Beirut, Tunis) and other national offices in the region, to coordinate the public relation activities of FES MENA.
- Manage the creation, editing and publishing of relevant and original content for the regional FES website (including images, videos, and text).
- Oversee the creation, editing and publishing of relevant and original content for several social media platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram (including images, videos, and text).
- Develop and coordinate social media campaigns for all existing outlets of different FES projects across the region.
- Cover events on several social media platforms.
- Develop and coordinate relationships with relevant media houses (including online and offline) across the MENA region and draft press releases for major projects and events of FES
- Support and coach the national offices to improve their public relations activities.
- Coordinate and cooperate with the communication team of FES headquarters in Germany and on the global level.
Required skills
- An advanced degree in journalism, communication, political science, law, humanities, or other related social sciences.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic, reading, writing, and speaking).
- French and or German is an asset.
- Working experience in developing social media campaigns, content management for online platforms or journalism.
- Previous knowledge in creating original online content (image, video, and text), design skills in Photoshop etc. are a plus. Please attach 1-2 examples of previous work in your application, if possible.
- Familiarity with website management, previous knowledge in using Content Management System Typo3 is an asset.
- Previous experience in international development cooperation is an asset.
- Experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, and online collaboration tools, such as Office 365 and similar programmes.
- Readiness to travel outside the country of residence, mainly in the Middle East and North Africa.
- Demonstrate team spirit, team responsibility and excellent communication skills.
- Visionary, ability to work independently, produce an original working style and showcase autonomous ideas, self-starter
How to apply
The application is open to Tunisians and non-Tunisians, but FES can only facilitate the work permit in Tunisia; costs for moving and installation in Tunisia cannot be covered. Tunisian laws and regulations apply.
Submit a resumé (max. 2 pages) with one name for reference, one-page cover letter, one-page CV and a writing sample (Facebook post/design or blog max. 1.000 words, inclusive of the hyperlink) from a platform you had contributed or managed in English or Arabic to RH.Tunisie(at) until 30 November 2021.
Interviews with appropriate candidates will take place in December 2021 in Tunis or via Skype. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Research Manager / Researcher
Economic Policies for Social Justice in MENA
Areas of work: Social Protection, Social Policy, Worker’s Rights and Informality, International Financial Institutions, Foreign Debt, Social Impact of Covid-19.
Location: Location of project is FES Office in Tunis, Tunisia. Remote work is possible.
Start time: 15 May 2021 (with some flexibility)
Type of Contract: Consultancy contract or fixed term Tunisian work contract (CDD), full time
Duration of Contract: 2 Years (extension possible)
Application end date: 20 April 2021
Salary: Depending on level of experience, publications in relevant fields, etc.
Languages required: English, French, Arabic
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is the oldest political foundation in Germany with a rich tradition in social democracy dating back to its foundation in 1925. Our work focuses on the core ideas and values of social democracy, freedom, justice and solidarity. With more than 100 offices worldwide, FES has built a vast network of international partners, contacts and friends.
FES MENA is searching for a committed and dynamic team member to become a new Research Manager / Researcher for the working line on “Economic Policies for Social Justice”.
This working line includes different projects such as:
- IMF policies and conditions and their impact on social protection in Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan;
- foreign debt structure in Tunisia; - social spending (with focus on healthcare) post-Covid-19 in Tunisia;
- informal work and the social impact of Covid-19 on informal workers in the MENA region;
- trade unions and the future of work in the MENA region.
The project focuses on the production of knowledge and new evidence on the impact of neoliberal/ Washington Consensus-style social and economic policies in the region since 2011. The results of the research will be used for advocacy and campaigning with partners, as well as educational activities. An important focus of knowledge production is the role of the IMF since 2011 and its impact on social justice. The project also aims to develop progressive policy alternatives in the areas of social protection, inclusion of vulnerable groups in social protection, financing of social spending and healthcare, etc. Additionally, policy alternatives to IMF loans and other loan agreements should be developed.
The working line also integrates with FES’ project on trade unions in the MENA region, working on the creation of new evidence on informality, collaboration of unions and civil society, knowledge production on labor laws, equal access and opportunities, as well as economic policies and social justice in the MENA region.
The Research Manager/ Researcher will oversee studies with independent researchers and consultants as well as partner organizations. The Research Manager/ Researcher will work on developing and reviewing these research activities and assure their originality and quality, as well as conducting own research.
Responsibilities of the position
- Leading on the coordination of research projects and studies in the thematic scope outlined above, taking place in the MENA region, with a special focus on Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan;
- Identification and selection of researchers, follow-up with researchers, drafting ToRs, organizing review, conducting own review and quality control;
- Conducting own research to inform project lines and work on policy papers and project briefs for the project lines;
- Writing of blog posts on research topics for FES MENA’s regional blog;
- Identification of further relevant partners for research and dissemination: economists, researchers, trade unionists and partner organisations in the region;
- Taking an active role in reporting, monitoring and evaluation of research projects;
- Coordination with partner organizations in Tunisia, and other Maghreb and Mashreq countries;
- Contributions to thematic internal reports and briefings; - Supporting the production of social media content (podcasts, infographics, webinars, videos, etc.) with communications team;
- Supporting colleagues working on advocacy and educational/ training activities.
Required Skills
- Previous experience in research on the subjects of social, economic policies or political economy, ideally experience in research-action;
- Experience in academic publication, ideally own publications on subjects relevant for this position;
- Minimum Master’s Degree in the area of economics, political economy, political science, international relations, social sciences/humanities;
- Proven strong and rigorous approach to research and review of research, ability to guide and support junior researchers/ field researchers, oversee research teams in different locations;
- Ability to work in French, English and Arabic. Full working proficiency in Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic, reading, writing and speaking) is a precondition;
- Proven interest in economic policies, social policies and social justice, ideally though work, journalism, academia or activism;
- Ability to demonstrate a critical understanding of the socio-economic order in the MENA region, interest to engage in critical thinking on international power structures, financial policies, debt challenges, etc.;
- Demonstrate team spirit, team responsibility and excellent communication skills;
- Proactive and visionary, ability to work independently and autonomous, eager to develop and implement new ideas;
- Proficient user of the MS office package and ability to quickly understand and adopt to new IT programs and solutions, especially tools for team collaboration;
- Ability to join the project team in Tunis physically or virtually;
- Readiness to travel within the MENA region and internationally.
How to apply
Applicants need to submit the following:
- Max. one-page cover letter, detailing experience and motivation (English).
- Max. two-page Curriculum Vitae (English or French accepted).
- Minimum one reference of relevant previous research engagement/ publication.
NB: Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please send the required documents to info.mena(at) until April 20, 2021.
Interviews with appropriate candidates will take place in early May 2021 in Tunis or via Zoom.
NB: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Social (In)Justice in the MENA Region: Debunking the Myth of Neoliberal Economic Policies

In the framework of its project “For Socially Just Development in the MENA-Region” Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) invites researchers, activists and professionals to apply for the Summer School “Social (in)justice in the MENA Region: Debunking the myth of neoliberal economic policies” from 7 to 11 August 2018 in Tunis, Tunisia.
The Summer School aims to provide a forum for young scholars from different disciplines who have a profound interest in studying social justice from the perspective of economic policies. During the Summer School, the effects of existing economic and development policies based on neoliberalism will be discussed and compared to alternative development models and heterodox economic policies.
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