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434 results:
321. Clean heat in the MENA region  
Even though heating is responsible for a major part of the world energy consumption, and by extension CO2 emissions, it lags behind in adapting clean energy. It is also insufficiently addressed by…  
28.12.2019 | Events | Events
The global fight against climate change: few countries are slowing us all down!
Article 6 could inspire countries to increase the ambition of their national targets at best. At worst, weak rules for Article 6 will encourage violation of human rights. Franziska Wehinger, the…  
01.12.2019 | Events | Events
The regional meeting for the Migrant Domestic Workers in the MENA region
The meeting was attended by 10 leaders representing 8 domestic workers’ groups from the MENA region. From the 10 leaders, 9 are MDWs (8 females and 1 male) and 1 is an organizer and migrant worker.  
14.11.2019 | Events | Events
Lebanese Armed Forces Training
Peace and Security in the MENA Region has facilitated trainings on human rights in places of detention for the Lebanese Armed Forces.  
08.11.2019 | Events | Events
Workshops for Students from the School of International Relations Tehran: Introduction to the Foreign Policy of Germany
The program included an interactive discussion sessions on global foreign policy issues with German and international students from Berlin to exchange views and opinions with their relevant peer…  
04.11.2019 | Events | Events
Presentation and discussion of new FES Iran publication
Perspectives on the strategic implications of the US “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran.  
01.11.2019 | Publications | Publications
One year after the Re-Imposition of Sanctions - Perspectives on the strategic implications of the US "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran
The present FES Analysis attempts to contribute to bringing together a distinguished group of experts, its ambition is to discuss the long-term ramifications of the "maximum pressure" campaign. Over…  
31.10.2019 | Blog | Blog
Order to the Chaos: Understanding and addressing the intersecting conflicts in the MENA region
On the sidelines of the FES Peace and Security Summer Academy, FES MENA interviewed Joost Hiltermann, the Program Director, Middle East & North Africa, at the International Crisis Group and discussed…  
31.10.2019 | Blog | Blog
Syria’s reconstruction must take a wider view of housing, land and property rights
The Syrian efforts at reconstruction must be careful to avoid perpetuating the inequities that contributed to the conflict in the first place. A key aspect of this needs to be an improvement of the…  
25.10.2019 | Events | Events
FES at 10th IBEF: Enabling Women in Sustainable Energy Field
FES conducted a workshop brought together a diversified mix of regional and international speakers and panelists from six countries in the MENA region. The agenda covered several topics including the…  
Search results 321 until 330 of 434