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437 results:
| Events | Events
The Role of Youth and Civil Society in Shaping the MENA Energy Transition – Projections on COVID19 Recovery Opportunities
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung discussed on the 28th of April how to lead a transition to renewable energy and migrate away from the regional dependency on Fossil Fuels as the main policy to drive…  
Photo: FES Palestine
| Blog | Blog
Work in the Time of Coronavirus
In a time of global pandemic, the Palestinian economy has been put on lockdown. Without financial safety net, workers seem to be in for a fight for their lives and livelihoods. As they seek to make…  
| Publications | Publications
Feminist Critique of Neoliberalism in the MENA region
This publication looks at the gendered outcomes of the adoption of neoliberal policies across counties in the Middle East and North Africa and explores what a feminist economic strategy could look…  
304. The revolution will not be cancelled  
For the time being, corona has snuffed out mass demonstrations in North Africa and the Middle East. Yet, it might stoke the region’s revolutionary flames soon again.  
| Blog | Blog
Will Climate Change trigger a new Pandemic?
Possibly one of the most dangerous consequences of climate change is the potential for emergence or re-emergence of novel pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and parasites.  
| Blog | Blog
What Comes Next? A Socioeconomic Snapshot of Lebanon under Corona Lockdown
The corona crisis could not have come at a worse time for Lebanon: an economy on the brink of collapse, debt default, a rapidly devaluating currency and with it the limited purchasing power of the…  
| Blog | Blog
COVID-19 in Libya: The virus provides cover for escalation
At first sight, Libya does not seem to experience a strong outbreak of COVID-19. Currently, 34 cases have been confirmed, a first case was recorded on March 17. But testing capacities are low and the…  
| Blog | Blog
Why Arab Youth Are Shying Away from Climate Activism and How to Engage Them
2019 was the second hottest year on record for Earth. It was also the year that witnessed the largest climate strikes in history when an estimated 6 million people around the world went out to demand…  
| Events | Events
Transformation Processes of Energy Companies - Application to Jordan
The Beirut Debates series focusses on the role of regional actors in local conflicts.  
| Publications | Publications
Feminist Perspectives on the Green Economy in the MENA Region
Research shows that the transition to a green economy will boost job creation; the global net job creation, considering losses from traditional energy sectors, will amount to 24 million jobs…  
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