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437 results:
21. Workers’ Rights  
Social injustice remains one of the most serious problems in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It causes social conflict and can even lead to armed conflict. Yet, socially inclusive…  
22. Economy and Social Justice  
While socio-economic factors were an important driver for the protest movements in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in 2010/11, most of the countries continue to follow a neoliberal…  
23. Conference | 24 - 25 September 2024 in Berlin | #FutureOfMigration  
Migration is a poignant issue – in Germany and worldwide. And it is already clear: The challenges are only going to increase further in light of global crises and demographic developments.  
24. Sustainable Transformation of Energy Systems  
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Climate and Energy Project P.O. Box 941876 Amman 11194, Jordan +962 6 500 83 35 +962 6 569 64 78 amman(at) The Middle East and North Africa…  
25. DSA Toolkit  
In October 2023, the Economic Policies for Social Justice of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung project (FES MENA) published a toolkit in partnership with Kristina Rehbein from The study…  
26. Social Justice and Jordanian Women  
The results of the labor force surveys for the fourth quarter of 2023 showed that the economic participation rate for Jordanian females aged 15 years and over is 15.1%, which is one of the lowest…  
27. Debt Crisis: The role of Parliament and civil society  
END THE DEBT TRAP By Mariem Jrad - FES MENA The world is facing a debt crisis. The most affected are the poorest countries because they spend more on debt repayments than on education, health and…  
28. Bloody Funds and their Fleeting Trends  
This article explores how the neoliberal commodification of menstruation has sustained stigma and discomfort, while advocating for a holistic approach to menstrual justice. It emphasizes the pressing…  
29. Navigating hardships: Migrant economic realities in Libya  
Despite civil wars and political instability, Libya remains an important destination and transit country for many migrants. Inside Libya, they often face precarious working conditions and uncertain…  
30. DW, 12.07.2024; Migrants flock to Libya despite lack of law and order  
Human traffickers, militias, mass graves — nothing seems to discourage migrants from coming to Libya. Observers believe that only international pressure can change the conditions.  
Search results 21 until 30 of 437