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434 results:
81. Feminists Reject International Monetary Fund’s Strategy Toward Mainstreaming Gender #NotInOurName  
the IMF has a historical record of refusing to abide by the human rights ....  
82. Jordan Daily, 05.08.2023: FES more than just a Donor, says Schwersensky  
In a world marked by a political incertainties and the constant quest for democratic freedom, The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) stands out as an organization dedicated to fostering the building…  
83. The IMF and Gender Equality in MENA: The Never Traveled Road  
This article unpacks the effects of IMF policies on gender equality as a whole, with a particular focus on unpaid and underpaid labor.  
03.08.2023 | Blog | Blog
The Tunisian Youth in a Whirlwind of Uncertainty
"Youth" is a term frequently used to identify a segment of the population. Often youth are defined by their age group or as those in the transition period between adolescence and adulthood.  
85. A Prison Guard for Europe  
The EU aims to externalise its borders and repel migrants deemed undesirable — a new deal with Tunisia assigns them a key role.  
86. IFIs and Social Protection: Gender Equality in Limbo  
By promoting austerity, shrinking fiscal spaces, imposing the "cascade approach", and shaping development paradigms, IFIs undermine social protection and exacerbate gender inequalities.  
87. A Highly Explosive Situation  
The conflict in Sudan continues, threatening to spill over to other parts of the region and creating one of the fastest-growing refugee crises.  
88. Gendered Implications of Austerity on the Education of Girls  
This article explores the gendered implications of gender-blind structural adjustment programs (SAP) on the education of girls and vulnerable groups in Lebanon.  
89. The Impacts of IFIs on Feminist Movements in the Global South/MENA  
This article sheds light on the neoliberal interventions led by IFIs and their relevance to feminist activism and action in the MENA region.  
90. Carnegie, 27.06.2023: The Arab World Tilts Eastward  
As major international powers continue to compete in the Middle East, public opinion indicators show an increased dissatisfaction with the United States and, to a lesser extent, the European Union…  
Search results 81 until 90 of 434