
DSA Tools

28 and 29 May 2024, the regional project Economic Policies for Social Justice organised a two-day training workshop for CSOs in the region.

The Economic Policies for Social Justice Regional Project organized a two-day training workshop on the 28th and 29th of May, 2024 for CSOs from the region, titled “FES WORKSHOP ON IMF DEBT SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS”, with activists and representatives from NGOs and think tanks from the region. The workshop was based the abovementioned toolkit and run by Kristina herself.

The training aimed to equip participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to critically assess and engage with the IMF's Debt Sustainability Analyses (DSAs), which play a pivotal role in shaping the economic policies and debt relief efforts of countries, particularly in the context of developing nations and the impact of global crises. This workshop is part of FES in MENA efforts to look at economic questions from a feminist perspective and also an opportunity for networking to coordinate actions regarding the role of the IMF in the MENA region.