

| Program Migration | Events

Migration is a poignant issue – in Germany and worldwide. And it is already clear: The challenges are only going to increase further in light of…


06.09.2023 | Program Migration | Events

In collaboration with RAFEM (Réseau d'Appui aux Femmes et Enfants en Migration), a space for dialogue was set up for the first time to offer migrant…


06.09.2023 | Program Migration | Events

As part of its awareness-raising caravan activities, CARISM (Comité d'Action et de Réflexion Intersyndicale sur la Migration) has carried out several…


06.09.2023 | Program Migration | Events

Protecting the rights of migrant workers is an important field of trade union collaboration in Mali. This cooperation was initiated by two major trade…


22.08.2019 | Program Migration | Events

The Fifth General Assembly of the RSMMS was a major trade union event on migration issues. From 2nd to 4th July 2019, thirty organizations and more…


23.02.2019 | Program Migration | Events

In the 19th edition of Bamako Forum, this year the theme of migration dynamics between Europe and Africa was covered. This topic was tackled by a…


17.02.2019 | Program Migration | Events

A meeting with members of the migrant community of the Sousse region took place on Sunday 17 February. The workshop brought together around thirty…


30.01.2019 | Program Migration | Events

A panel discussion organized by the FES Abidjan office brought together representatives of the Ivorian state, international organizations, local…


03.12.2018 | Program Migration | Events

The third training session enabled the focal points of the member organizations to validate several working tools to structure their support and…


18.05.2018 | Program Migration | Events

On May 14, the RSMMS Network participated as an observer in the fourth round of the inter-governmental negotiations of the “Global Compact on Safe,…
