Towards Socially Just Development in the MENA Region
Which economic policies have led to social injustice in the MENA region? And which alternative economic policies could increase social justice?
These were the main questions for the work of a multinational expert group, which worked for two years on the publication “Towards Socially Just Development in the MENA Region”. In 2016, during the first project year, a first draft of this publication had been discussed in stakeholder workshops in 12 countries in North Africa and the Middle East. The recommendations, critique and ideas from these workshops further informed the analysis and proposed economic alternatives by the expert group. In November 2017 the publication was presented to the public during a regional conference in Tunis, Tunisia.
From 2018 onwards, this project will focus on presenting the publication and engaging in discussions on its subjects. Upcoming trainings and debates will highlight the central points and bring them to the forefront to advocate for new and progressive economic policies in the MENA region. A regular Summer School will connect forward-thinking economists, researchers and activists from the region.
Read the regional study on Social Justice in the MENA Region (published 2017) here
Read the study "Understanding the Informal Economies in North Africa" (published 2018) here
Read the analysis on Starting Points for a new Employment Strategy in Tunisia (published 2017) here