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434 results:
201. The Jordan Times, 24.01.2022: Study Examines Aqaba's Urban Resilience, Sustainability  
A study titled “Aqaba: A Resilient City through its Neighbourhoods” showed that sustainable mobility, environment and urbanisation are critical facets of the port city’s future liveability and…  
202. Middle-Income Countries’ Debt Trap  
Public debt has skyrocketed in middle-income countries like Tunisia. Yet, the IMF and G20 are pushing for austerity measures, not debt relief.  
02.12.2021 | Blog | Blog
Forest fires in Algeria: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
This year's summer was, to say the least, exceptional. While the world was facing a new wave of Covid-19, a series of forest fires broke out in different parts of the world: Turkey, Greece, Italy,…  
204. Middle East Monitor, 26.11.2021: Palestinians favour a one-state over a two-state solution, poll finds  
The report on the findings of the polls explained the declining trend in support for the two-state solution as a consequence of the impasse on the political horizon and the failure of the peace…  
205. The Jordan Times, 02.11.2021: Green Energy Investments ‘Great Opportunity’ for job growth in Kingdom — Report  
Jordan has great potential to grow its economy and provide jobs through expanding its use of green energy, a report showed on Tuesday.  
01.11.2021 | Blog | Blog
Opening of the Migrant Information and Orientation Center (CIOM)
Mali’s trade unions mobilise for migrant workers in the mining towns of Kayes, Keniéba and Sadiola.  
30.10.2021 | Events | Events
Conference: The Covid-19 pandemic and Youth
A conference entitled "The Covid19 pandemic and youth" was attended by participants from the various FES youth programs in Tunisia.  
208. Middle East Monitor, 20.10.2021: Poll: Promoting Peace between Israel and Palestine the Lowest Priority  
53% of Israelis believe that Israel should seek help from countries with which it has normalized relations to advance peace with the Palestinians, according to a new survey.  
07.10.2021 | Events | Events
10th Sustainable Cities Conference: “Just Cities”
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Climate and Energy Project MENA in cooperation with Carboun concluded their 10th year sustainable cities conference under this year’s name of “Just Cities” .  
30.09.2021 | Blog | Blog
Capitalist Patriarchal Nightmare, Ecofeminist Awakening
We must dismantle capitalist patriarchy that thrives on exploiting women and nature to attain a socially and environmentally just future.  
Search results 201 until 210 of 434