The Impact of IFI's on Social Protection in the Arab Region

This event falls on the first day of the IMF-WBG Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) and gathers the community of CSO representatives working on social and economic policies in the Arab region to discuss the status quo of social protection systems in the region and the role that IFIs are playing in shaping these systems. It aims to mobilize a critical mass on the subject in question and equip the participants with latest updates, needed information, policy recommendations, and key tactics to advocate for the right to universal social security at the CSPF and annual meetings at large.
Howaida Roman (ARI): presenting her latest book for ARI titled “The Guide Towards Universal Social Protection in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities”
Shereen Talaat (MENAFEM Movement): to speak about the impact of IFIs on social protection, and the gender and environmental lenses
Speaker from (FES-MENA): to speak about IFIs, subsidies, and debt and social activism in reaction to consequent rights violations
Isabel Ortiz, Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD): to speak about alternatives and Solutions
Moderated by: Mohamed Haddad, Tunisian Journalist
For more information, click on the link
(En <> Ar interpretation will be available)