From Beirut to Khartoum and from Rabat to Teheran, our FES colleagues, partners as well as guest contributors share their insights from the ground and offer food for thought on current developments in the MENA region.

The views expressed in this blog series are not necessarily those of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Blog News

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Feminists Reject International Monetary Fund’s Strategy Toward Mainstreaming Gender #NotInOurName

the IMF has a historical record of refusing to abide by the human rights ....


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The IMF and Gender Equality in MENA: The Never Traveled Road

This article unpacks the effects of IMF policies on gender equality as a whole, with a particular focus on unpaid and underpaid labor.


03.08.2023 | Blog

The Tunisian Youth in a Whirlwind of Uncertainty

"Youth" is a term frequently used to identify a segment of the population. Often youth are defined by their age group or as those in the transition...


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A Prison Guard for Europe

The EU aims to externalise its borders and repel migrants deemed undesirable — a new deal with Tunisia assigns them a key role.


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IFIs and Social Protection: Gender Equality in Limbo

By promoting austerity, shrinking fiscal spaces, imposing the "cascade approach", and shaping development paradigms, IFIs undermine social protection...


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A Highly Explosive Situation

The conflict in Sudan continues, threatening to spill over to other parts of the region and creating one of the fastest-growing refugee crises.


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Gendered Implications of Austerity on the Education of Girls

This article explores the gendered implications of gender-blind structural adjustment programs (SAP) on the education of girls and vulnerable groups...


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The Impacts of IFIs on Feminist Movements in the Global South/MENA

This article sheds light on the neoliberal interventions led by IFIs and their relevance to feminist activism and action in the MENA region.



12.06.2023 | Blog

The Future of Libyan Youth: Navigating Obstacles with Hope

The future of young people in Libya is a matter of concern. A recent analysis by Libyan researcher Asma Khalifa has revealed interesting findings...


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Violence Knows no Borders

The conflict in Sudan is impacting its neighbours. A look at the situation in Egypt and South Sudan



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International Politics and Society

International Politics and Society

The online journal IPS highlights global inequality and brings new perspectives on issues such as the environment, European integration, international relations, social democracy and development policy. Based in the FES Brussels office, IPS aims to bring the European political debate to a global audience, as well as providing a platform for voices from the Global South. More

FES Connect

FES Connect

FES Connect informs about social and political news from the German and international network of FES. On this English-language interactive platform, partners and friends of FES are invited to contribute with documents in text, image or video. More