يقيم مشروع الطاقة والمناخ الإقليمي في مؤسسة فريدريش إيبرت برنامج "سفراء العدالة المناخية" حيث يشارك به مجموعة مختارة من القادة الشباب من أجل للالتقاء واكتساب المعرفة والتنسيق لمناقشة قضية العدالة المناخية في المنطقة العربية. هدف هذا البرنامج هو إنشاء جيل عربي جديد من الفاعلين في التغير المناخي من خلال تدريب هذه المجموعة الشابة على مواضيع العدالة المناخية ودعمهم فيما بعد إما من خلال الدعم المباشر لإنتاج محتوى رقمي وتنظيم أنشطة، أو من خلال التشبيك وإتاحة الفرص لهم للمشاركة في برامج أخرى وحضور المؤتمرات العالمية ذات الصلة.

Honouring Habiba Eid (1941 – 2015)
Habiba Eid, the inspiration behind the ‘Celebrate Your Local Jane Jacobs’ award, was born in Ismailia, a small city on the Suez Canal in Egypt. A true leader whose compass was clear and centered around serving her people, she spent a considerable amount of time in the field, particularly in informal areas, engaging and empowering local people, a fact that put her in numerous confrontations with authorities. Her persistence, endurance and clear people-oriented agenda coupled with diplomacy and social intelligence allowed her to implement several projects and initiatives. Habiba played a vital role for the people of Ismailia including saving them from several involuntary relocations and demolitions. Those who worked closely with her witnessed her active engagement on all levels and across many scales. She managed to lead and guide international experts, gain the confidence of international donors, convince government officials, and most importantly was loved and appreciated by the informal settlement dwellers. Her humble attitude and the unlimited support she offered to the local community continues to be her legacy long after her passing.
It is in recognition and in celebration of Habiba as one of many women leaders ‘unsung heroes’ that this initiative has been created. The award aims to shed light on others who have made an impact in their own unique contexts. In recognizing and celebrating such models, we can help them serve as an inspiration for others and can bring to the fore voices from the Global South who are not always given a platform to demonstrate their work. We could not find a more suitable day to launch this initiative than on 26th April, Habiba’s birthday.

Submit your application or nominate a candidate by June 15th 2024 by filling in the Application