
RAJE - Réseau Algérien de Jeunes Engagé.es

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung offers the opportunity to train and engage in projects to young people active in civil society through its programme "Réseau Algérien de Jeunes Engagé.es" (RAJE) initiated in 2008. This programme aims to strengthen the capacities of young people in communication, leadership, project management etc., and allows to discuss current issues related to law, gender, sustainable development, economy etc. with experts, while encouraging the participants to collectively implement their own initiatives or projects. The programme aims to qualify a selected number of young people who will be able to take, in the medium term, an active role in the Algerian society.


Académie citoyenne

The “Académie citoyenne” of FES Algeria is an academic training program, which touches on several aspects: history, economics, constitutional law, sociology, geopolitics, sustainable development, etc. It is intended for young people involved in civil society organizations, partisan structures or any citizen initiative of general interest. It is intended for young people involved in civil society organizations, in partisan structures or in any citizen initiative of general interest. The program takes place over a year, with one weekend per month for each module.


Youth Participation

Youth Participation

Throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), young people make up a large part of the population, and yet they are often not involved in political decision-making processes. Young people who felt politically and economically marginalised and not taken seriously by those in power, played a significant role during the uprisings of 2010/11. More