
The promotion of Social Protection Floors in the MENA Region

The promotion of Social Protection Floors in the MENA Region.




 The Social Protection Floor (SPF) is still new to the MENA region. Many states avoids talking about Social Protection Floor with the simple argument that they can´t offer the implementation of such a concept.

At the 101st International Labour Conference in 2012, recommendation No. 202 was adopted. Recommendation 202 provides guidance to members for establishing and maintaining SPFs as a core element of their national social security systems.

Within the join cooperation between the regional trade union project of the FES and Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV) a regional meeting between trade unionist, academia and representatives of civil society organizations were held in Tunis in May 2017 to elaborate together approaches how SPF can be promoted in the MENA region by trade unions and civil society organization.

The reginal workshop provided the opportunity to have an overview about the social security in each country and try to find strategies how trade unions and civil society organization could work together to promote this concept as a tool to promote social peace, sustainable development and social justice.

As a follow-up participants agreed on recommending some initiatives to promote the SPF on a national level.